Steve D.

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Southampton, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Steve D.

70 Jahre alt | Retired Electronics Engineer | Als Paar/Duo

Hello, my name is Steve. I am a retired Electronics Engineer, currently living on the south coast of England.

I'm looking for a house-sit in Italy, France, or elsewhere in Europe, anywhen from October '24 onwards, for three months+ for myself and possibly also my daughter (30, who speaks Italian and French) and her very well-behaved dog, Angel (see photos). Angel is small/mid-sized and extremely well behaved and gets on well with other dogs and cats (see photos). Also interested in anything longer or spring/summer '25.

I have travelled extensively in Europe and in the Alps by both car and campervan. I speak a little French and German and am now learning Italian.

We are both English, non-smokers, and have Irish/EU passports and full (manual) UK driving licenses, so travelling and staying in Europe long-term is no problem for either of us.

My daughter and I house and cat-sat together near Verona, Italy (6 weeks, Jul/Aug. 2023) which went very well. We drove from the UK to Turin, then Verona, travelling all over the local area, including many small mountain roads. My daughter is now driving all around Rome and the local area.

In 2016, I drove to Naples/Napoli and back by campervan and I also spent 6 months touring Europe in a campervan in 1991, skiing, snowboarding, and touring around, plus many other trips in Europe over the years, usually driving. My daughter has recently been driving all around Rome and the local area.I have travelled extensively in Europe and in the Alps by both car and campervan.

Why they want to house sit

I am looking to move to Italy, but would like to house-sit in order to find a suitable area before buying. We would prefer a countryside, mountainside, or small town/village property, but will consider anything, maybe with some lovely small-ish pets or small farm animals (but not horses, donkeys, or cows), so that we can enjoy feeling 'at home' while exploring and getting to know the local area - as a local. I look forward to making some new friends - human and furry alike!

In the past, I have house and pet-sat for friends in the UK, and stayed with families in Italy, and had their children stay with us in the UK.

Their experience

I have lived in many houses and flats, both my own and rented, keeping them clean and tidy and well maintained myself and have always received the best references. As an ex-Electronics (and mechanical) Engineer, I am very practical with all things electrical, electronic and mechanical: I can fix most things, from mobile phones and laptops, to cars and general home DIY and am generally very resourceful - there isn't much I can't fix or sort out.

I was brought up in the countryside and regularly helped out on relatives' small farms and market gardens when I was young and love the countryside. I have done a lot of skiing and snowboarding and love the mountains: I spent six months on my own in Europe (winter to summer) in a campervan many years ago. I have also over-wintered in Canada.

Until very recently, my daughter and I had two small dogs and a cat, but just have the one dog now (the others were very old) and have in the past also had rabbits, rats, gerbils and tropical fish. The dog is my daughter’s. I am looking for house-sits on my own and do not have any pets of my own now.
What can they bring to the assignment

I offer total care of your property and pets - as you would - especially with my long home ownership and self maintenance experience I’m looking forward to trying and getting to know other countries and yet more languages!

I will of course reply promptly to any messages and will be very happy to answer any questions you have. I’m happy to chat and get to know each other first by WhatsApp, or other video.

Thanks for reading, I hope to hear from some of you soon. I wish you all great holidays and travelling experience and good luck with your sitters, whoever you choose.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Chanelle, 30 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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