Jürgen b.

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Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain

Über Jürgen b.

49 Jahre alt | Self employed

About Us.

We are a Belgian - German couple who have lived for over 20 years in Spain and are now travelling the world to help people by taking care of their pets and property.

We are strongly connected & passionate with nature and wildlife and we have been blessed to be accompanied during many years by our cats (up to 8 at a time), our dogs (up to 3 at a time, Great Dane, Labrador mix and multi-mix), our horses (2 Shire Horse stallions and 1 Anglo-Hispano-Arabe Stallion).

Being used to work with and for each other successfully for over 9 years in different sociocultural environments, we are a well-balanced, mature, non-smoking, physically fit & mentally healthy, vibrant and pluri-lingual management couple with international, multidisciplinary experiences.

During multiple years we have been professionally active as property managers for HNWI´s and large country estates, but now we seek to offer our know-how in this different type of concept and in a more public manner where pets are often key.

We have lived and/or worked in Spain, France, G.H. Luxemburg, Belgium, Gibraltar, Germany.

In addition do we have an extensive travel & cultural experience such as; Singapore, Australia, Maldives, Panama, Costa Rica, Turkey, Madagascar, Morocco, UAE, Reunion, USA, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guatemala, Seychelles, Thailand, Multiple Caribbean Islands and very extensively all over Europe.

We seek to house / pet sit within the EU for +/- 2 weeks or longer and outside the EU we like to go for a month or longer.

Preceding house-sits have learned us, that it is most ideal for us to be able to use the property owner´s vehicle, enabling us to deliver a quality service, taking your dog(s) on outside excursions (of course with your previous permission), buy food, litter or other and most importantly bring your pet(s) asap to the vet in case of emergency.

Special Note:
Because of our previous experiences, we feel the need to say that for us cleanliness, hygiene, tidiness is very important, therefore we like to house-sit a property that is clean, not cluttered, maintained and where we are not required to clean, sanitize & fix the house at our first day of arrival.

We take our house sits serious and live respectfully, therefore we have a standard daily routine of cleaning and maintaining our living space in order to have a peaceful living and to guarantee your happy return.

Why we want to house sit
We have now grown to a point where w

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jale, 48 Jahre alt, self-employed, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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