Ester L.

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Talavera de la Reina, Castile-La Mancha, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Ester L.

44 Jahre alt | Music teacher | Als Familie

Hello! We are a couple in our forties. Both my husband and I teach music in Secondary schools. We love playing instruments, especially the piano.
We love nature and animals. I had a cat as a little girl and my husband has had several dogs. We have had hamsters and goldfish and we take care of my brother's dog and guinea pigs when he needs it. We love walking and hiking so if you have a dog we'd be delighted to walk him/her.
At the moment we live in an apartment but my husband has lived in a detached house before getting married so he knows how to take care of a garden. I'm a plant lover myself and I keep as many plants as I can at our flat.
Besides music, we love all kinds of art. We enjoy visiting art exhibitions, going to concerts and reading. Our hometown is not big, so we often visit Madrid, other cities, and other countries. We are fluent in English and French.
Our children are very fond of animals, especially cats. We'd like them to have the experience to care for and love dogs and cats. They are quiet, respectful, and affectionate.

Last but not least, we don't smoke and we are quiet people. We love cooking and having our home tidy so it's the same we'd do for you.
Besides using Nomador once last year we have references from Airbnb. You can check them using this link:

If you want to know more about us:
My husband is an amateur photographer. This is his website:
We run a blog to help music teachers:

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Jorge, 46 Jahre alt, Music teacher, Ehepartner / Partner
Irene, 14 Jahre alt, Student, Kind
Miguel, 11 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sophie d.

Charnoz-sur-Ain, France - August 2024

What a wonderful family ! We were very lucky to have them as pet-sitters. Ester and her family took great care of our animals and our house, and kept us frequently informed. They send us wonderful pictures of all the animals (that I will actually use to update our profile ; ) ). The children are very sweet, quiet, polite, and super respectful of animal's needs and boundaries. Our cat Nina, who usually never comes out with strangers, "appeared" to them every evening, which is huge for her ! We had a great meal prepared for us when we came home and the house was very clean. We had a great time together. I definitely recommend them as pet-sitters !

Marylene j.

Les Clayes-sous-Bois, France - August 2023

Grâce à Ester et sa famille qui ont été très affectueux et attentifs à la santé et au bien être de nos nombreux chats, nous avons pu passer des vacances sereines. Ils se sont également parfaitement occupés de nos tortues, du jardin et de la maison. Un grand merci à eux

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