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Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile

Über Tam

36 Jahre alt | Emprededora

My name is Tamara and together with Cristian, my husband, we have formed a beautiful family of 5 members, We are entrepreneurs for several years, we are dedicated to creating and managing communities around vegan entrepreneurship in Chile and organizing events related to vegan culture, For this reason, we have had to restore and renovate different houses and places where we have worked. We have experience in manual work and we are experts in solving problems at home, together with our children.

We are both audiovisual communicators by profession, Cristian has dedicated himself to the most technical part of our ventures and I manage all the projects and I am the visible face of all of them in general, also putting them on the networks and the web since they are mostly online. I am also a holistic therapist in different branches of personal growth, a yoga instructor and a lover of being able to share all this knowledge with the world. That is why we are as a family seeking to know new cultures and places, to continue growing together and living new adventures,

We are a very responsible and motivated family, we have had experiences creating and restoring environments so we know that we will be a great contribution to the care of their houses, projects and animal friends, we are also vegan so we love animals and we always believe in leave places much better than how we found them. We are happy to have concerts soon!

Mi nombre es Tamara y junto a Cristian, mi esposo, hemos formado una linda familia de 5 miembros, Somos emprendedores desde hace varios años, nos dedicamos a crear y gestionar comunidades entornos al emprendimiento vegano en Chile y organizar eventos relacionados a la cultura vegana, Por esto mismo nos ha tocado restaurar y renovar diferentes casas y lugares donde hemos trabajado. Tenemos experiencia en trabajo manual y somos expertos en solucionar problemas caseros, junto a nuestros hijos.

Somos comunicadores audiovisuales de profesión ambos, Cristian se ha dedicado a la parte más técnica de nuestros emprendimientos y yo gestiono todos los proyectos y soy la cara visible de todos ellos en general, poniéndolos además en las redes y web ya que son en su mayoría online. Además soy terapeuta holística en distintas ramas del crecimiento personal, instructora de yoga y amante de poder compartir todos estos saberes con el mundo. Por ello estamos como familia buscando conocer nuevas culturas y lugares, para seguir creciend

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Cristian, 38 Jahre alt, Emprendedor, Ehepartner / Partner
Damian, 9 Jahre alt, Kind
Lucas, 7 Jahre alt, Kind

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