Andrew and rachel

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Lefkada, Greece

Über Andrew and rachel

53 Jahre alt | online sales

Thank you for looking at our profile.

We are Andrew and Rachel, So let's tell you about our adventure so far...

Andrew is ex-military and I am an ex-teacher. We now both work online with our sales business, which is a great way to travel whilst working (well checking in a few times a day)
Massive animal lovers. We have had 3 dogs between us, and I also have had horses. We are fit energetic people, love the outdoors, and being active.

We have done previous housesits on another website within the Uk, then we put our account on hold whilst we traveled to Greece. Having just sold our boat, we can't wait to start our house-sitting journey again.
We love to travel and meet people, and especially when it means we get to look after your beloved pets (furry humans)

Andrew is handy, so any problems you may have whilst away with your house, you can be reassured these can be dealt with.
We both love to spend time with animals, long walks are not a problem, or a gentle stroll and cuddles, both are great times spent.

If you have a smallholding, with instructions, this would be something that we would like to experience also.
I hope that we can assist you whilst you are away, and we would love to hear from you.

Rachel and Andrew

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Andrew, 48 Jahre alt, Business Director, Ehepartner / Partner

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