Cyndi d.

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Tucson, Arizona, United States

Über Cyndi d.

70 Jahre alt | Education

I retired in 2017 from a school district as the high school administrator of the Special Education Department.  This was a career that I started late in life and enjoyed for 22 years.  After that, I began working as a Travel Consultant for Legendary World.  At the same time, I became an International Exchange Coordinator for EF High School Exchange YEar.

Terry and I are looking forward to housesitting for you and keeping your belongings and your pets safe.  We are new as housesitters but not new to having someone house sit for our home and our pets.

We've been married 34 years and have two sons and a new daughter-in-law.  We also have several foreign exchange students that we now consider part of our family.  We've become part of their families as well and we were able to stay with two of the students and their families when we went to Germany and Italy in 2019.  We have had a few pets in the past (a yellow lab, several cats, fish, and a gecko).  We loved our dog Wendy and when she had to be put down we were heartbroken.  And we have always enjoyed our cats because of their independence and their affection.  If we weren't planning to travel we would have a cat now.  Our son and daughter-in-law have a one-year-old German Shepard that we are always thrilled to dogsit!  She is so much FUN!!

Coordinator for EF High School Exchange Year (hence the foreign exchange students), and the Local Childcare Coordinator for Cultural Care Au Pair, supervising au pairs in the Tucson area.  I'm also am the girls and boys basketball scorekeeper for the high school from which I retired.  I like to read, watch movies with Terry, binge-watch series shows, and bake.

Terry is currently the Executive Director of Udall Law Firm in Tucson/Phoenix.  He has many balls in the air at all times, even when he is not at the office, so we are both glad that he will be retiring from the full-time aspect on June 30, 2021.  He loves the Yankees and we have traveled to several ballparks to experience the team at stadiums other than Yankee Stadium, which we have also been to several times.  He also enjoys the New York Giants and he's a    die-hard fan even though they don't win too often.  Additionally, Terry likes yard work (not gardening) and I think this helps him think and relax from all those balls in the air.  He likes playing video poker, as well as reading and going to movies.

We're very excited at the prospect of housesitting and doing it in Mexico. 

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Terry, 68 Jahre alt, Law Firm Administration, Ehepartner / Partner

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