Corinne v.

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Houston, Texas, United States

Über Corinne v.

31 Jahre alt | Voice-over Artist

Hello! We're Corinne and Hakon! We're a native Texan/Norwegian couple traveling internationally and working remotely. Think Silicon Valley meets weird loud art.

We love good jazz, spicy food and are suckers for a great view. Hakon is a lighting programmer, previously living in San Francisco who enjoys spending his free time hiking, yoga, building apps and playing the piano. I(Corinne) am a free-lance voice artist from Houston with a love for art(sculpting miniatures is my current favorite), theater and any film made by Wes Anderson.
We are both self-employed which thankfully makes for an extremely flexible travel schedule and the ability to follow our creative passions.

Of course we're absolute animal lovers, Hakon had a beautiful cat growing up named 'Sofus' and Corinne grew up with a plethora of pets like dogs, cats, birds, turtles, lizards, fish and briefly an injured squirrel! Combining our mundane work life with ever rotating scenery and culture is something that really fuels us. Throw in some adorable pets that need constant love and attention? PERFECT.

We're also especially attentive to any pet with separation anxiety. My(Corinne) dog back in Texas suffers from it too so I completely understand how hard it can be to leave your baby at home even for a short while. Rest assured, they'll be getting a constant stream of love and attention from us! :)

I also worked for a popular pet resort in Houston for a few years so I am extremely comfortable with sits including multiples of larger breed dogs and senior pets.

Both of us are fully vaccinated.
We are premium members with and have been background checked on

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Hakon , 31 Jahre alt, Computer Programmer, Ehepartner / Partner

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