Michelle d.

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Chicago, Illinois, United States

Über Michelle d.

57 Jahre alt | real estate development-digital nomad

Caring, responsible & vaxed empty nester/digital nomad, very healthy, strong, youthful 50+(?) - and I have LIVED.... Have rescued and raised cats, dogs, fish and plants, birthed kids, married & divorced a husband, owned & maintained many different homes in the major US cities and in the countryside. I love outdoors, am very active and fit, regularly run, hike, cycle and practice yoga. Just retired my own business of last 12 years as a real estate broker/house builder/contractor/designer. Before that, I was a yoga instructor, sous chef, event planner, certified pet sitter, professional dancer, semi-pro writer and amateur photographer. I've done most of the heavy lifting on my own, as well as determining where to set it down, arrange and rearrange it.
Caring for homes is what I've always done, personally for myself, family and friends; professionally for clients as their broker, designer and contractor. It's natural and it grounds me, I am a home body in more ways than one.
Same with pets - cats and dogs - for friends, family, and professionally for a time, when I received certification for pet care.
I've dabbled in gardening and always cared for many types of house plants, including bonsai, and I know how to google.
Primarily, always and forever, I'm a mom (for humans and pets) - I err on the side of being overly cautious and making too much food ;)
I am flexible with term length and area, and am currently very interested in stays in and near eastern/southern states - as my sons are there in university in NY and OH. Just need reliable wifi connection for my work.
Personal and professional references happily provided upon request.
Ask me anything.
***UPDATE*** I have adopted a kitten (she's PURRRRRRfect!), thus limiting my availability for longer stays, unless she can join as my assistant. She's brilliant and has a great sense of humor! I've been training her on a leash, she's doing great. She knows if she wants to go out she sweetly sits while her leash is attached. She's very easy and chill, and listens very well if doing something I don't want her to. Working on going out for walks, so far we go in her backpack carrier with her head poking out. Slow but sure!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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