Oleksandra M.

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Los Angeles, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Oleksandra M.

24 Jahre alt | Brand Designer at Atlassian | Als Paar/Duo

Hi, I'm Sasha, a Brand Designer working in a US company remote, so I can travel any time of the year! Originally, I'm from Odesa, Ukraine, but now living in Lisbon because of war. I have a lot of experience caring for dogs, cats, and rabbits. At my home, I always take care of my friend's animals for a few days to a month. Can't wait to come back home and get my own dog from the shelter (cause a lot of animals were left alone cause of war also) Love to travel, for the last year I visited Georgia, Tanzania, Spain, and Portugal. I would love to visit any place!

A little bit about me: as a said before I'm a designer and in my free time I create illustrations and read books. Love traveling and caring for animals cause these two things inspire me a lot. Usually, get up at 7 am, take walks, and skip on the rope so if your dog like to get up early and take a walk early too it wouldn't be a problem!

My FB page https://www.facebook.com/alex.matvva/
My INST https://www.instagram.com/kotyaka.grustyaka/?hl=en

Also, I'm in love with film photography and you can check it here https://500px.com/p/alexmeeva?view=photos

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Carole t.

Cesson-Sévigné, France - Juni 2022

Sasha is a very good home sitter. It was her second stay in my house, and she is still perfect ! She cooked a ukrainien dish specially for my retourner, chiche was delicious ! And she take care after my cat and give often news with lovely pictures wich was very pleasant for me. Thanks again for your smile ans your happyness. I recommand Sasha !

Carole t.

Cesson-Sévigné, France - Mai 2022

Hello, Sasha is a very good home sitter. My cat was calm and quiet when I want back to my home and the house was cleany. The exchange before coming was simply and easy. I'm happy because Sasha is coming back in 5 days to look again after the cat and the home ! I can go back to holidays reassured ! Thanks Sasha

Cécilia c.

Toulouse, France - Mai 2022

La place manquera pour écrire tout le bien que je pense de Alexandra. Elle est tellement douce, gentille. Je n'ai pas les mots, elle s'est investi auprès de nos chats et aussi de notre appartement. Soyez confiant, elle est géniale. Lors de notre retour de nos vacances. Elle nous as acceuillis avec une spécialités gastronomique de chez elle. C'était incroyablement bon. Mon chat est collé à elle, elle as compris et appliqué tout nos conseils pour le fonctionnement des différents appareils de notre appartement. Je vous la recommande les yeux fermés.

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