Sara s.

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San Antonio, Texas, United States

Über Sara s.

48 Jahre alt | Educator

Hiya! I am Sara (44) and sometimes my son Wyatt (12) comes along. I'm a 44 year old educator, librarian, and archivist who loves to travel when I can. I'm currently employed part-time at a community college and gratefully have lots of flexibility in my schedule, especially during summer and academic breaks. I have degrees in history (BA), library science (MLS), and am currently pursuing another masters in history. I have B2-level language skills in German. I'm a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) to three foster teenagers.

While I was born and raised in Texas, I try to steal away from Texas' blistering summers to cool off in fun and interesting locations, from Australia (during their winter of course!) to Canada to Europe, usually backpacking. I'm a homeowner to a beautiful 1960s ranch that was a practical time capsule when it was bought 11 years ago (interiors and plumbing and all)! I also garden, from veggies like eggplant and tomatoes, herbs like mint and basil, flowers like desert rose and daisies, to succulents.

I've been a fur-mama for many years with most of my adult years centering around cats. My current 6 year old kitty's name is Beans (he had lots of gas as a kitten haha). He's squishy and cuddly and stays at home with my spouse when I'm traveling. I've parented four other kitties during the past 25 years and have experience dealing with common concerns like kidney disease, blocked ureater, abcessed teeth, and weight manageament.

I'm interested in housesitting to travel in a more authentic way than hotels and AirBnB, hopefully also creating a healthy travel habit in my son. I've always believed in taking time a town, getting to know the neighborhood, and a slower pace overall, not too touristy, I do need a good internet connection to continue with my graduate research and any remote working tasks regarding my college's digital archive.

As I am new to housesitting, my references will be current and former colleagues, friends, neighbors, and/or my CASA supervisor.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Wyatt, 15 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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