Christine fx.

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Miramar Beach, Florida, United States

Über Christine fx.

34 Jahre alt | Forex Trader

I am a former ballet dancer and overall artist. currently I work from home full time as a professional forex trader and I lOVE IT (I've always been quite the serial entrepreneur). I am also a pet owner and have been for all my life. Growing up we have had the pleasure of caring for Rabbits, chickens, dogs, and cats. Currently I no longer have a "zoo" lol, but I still have 2 dogs and 1 cat

I LOVE NEW EXPERIENCES AND I LOVE PETS. As a trader our days can be unpredictable but fairly rewarding, however, I enjoy the days i can get away and travel for leisure. it is always great to have a change of environment or to experience new terrains. the change of environment definitely give me a piece of mind and of course being able to borrow the company of your loving pet is only a plus.

Please allow me the pleasure of attending to your pets needs and/or home, and enjoy the piece of mind in knowing that they are cared for

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Anasthasia, 35 Jahre alt, massage therapist , Bruder / Schwester
Marie-Florence, 62 Jahre alt, VA admind, Elternteil
Mario, 38 Jahre alt, broker, Bruder / Schwester

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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