Alan & noemi o.

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Salt Lake City, Utah, United States


Über Alan & noemi o.

30 Jahre alt | Social Work/Muralist

Hello, we are Noemi and Alan we are 26 and 27 years old. We live in Salt Lake City, Utah USA. We have a 100lb (45kg) Bullmastiff dog named Burley and love all type of animals. Both of us graduated in Environmental Studies we love to go hiking, kayaking and camping in the mountains of Utah with our dog Burley. We both speak English and Spanish.

A little more about Noemi - She loves to travel, she has been to many South American and Latin American countries, she was in the Peace Corps in Morocco and would like to practice her Arabic/Darija. She loves to read, and spend time outdoors

A little more about Alan - Alan loves to cook and eat vegetarian foods. He is an avid gardener and likes to ride bikes. Has worked in the Ecology field and is currently working as a muralist creating large outdoor murals. He would love to learn French and Portuguese.

Housesitting Experience
We love all animals but mostly have experience with cats and dogs. We also love to garden and grow plants and have over 10 plants in our apartment. We have house sat for many family and friends including taking care of large dogs, small rodents and cats.

Feel free to reach out to us or get to know us a little more on Instagram!
Alan - @alan8aaa
Noemi - @Noe.mi.molina

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Noemi, 29 Jahre alt, Housing Specialist - Social Work, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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