Saulius u.

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Vilnius, Vilnius County, Lithuania

Über Saulius u.

58 Jahre alt | librarian-writer

I'm curious life loving man of middle age but still youthful and full of energy. Working in library in the art section.
At the moment I feel that I need a break, a time out, or a change of perspective. I love travelling , cooking, music: rock , jazz and classic. Love nature, arts, photography, writing stories.I know pottery(ceramics) works and articles made of wood.
I love communicate with interesting people . I'm learning Italian and I want to improve the knowledge of the Italian language, learn more about Italian culture and art.
Cats are some of my favorite animals, they are so smart and independent.
I have experience in breeding and training dogs. I spent most of my time with Belgian Shepherds.
Also I can perform a variety of household work and do any help you need.
I'm available for a month or more, depends on situation.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

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