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Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Max

41 Jahre alt | Writer

Good Day/Evening!

My name is Max!

I’ve always wondered what would it be like to travel and housesit. So, I’ve decided to get this started. I’m 38 years young without travel companions at the moment. For around 15 years I was a Hairstylist. Then my hermit side started to peek out and for a couple of years I decided to troubleshoot Apple Products from home. And now for the last year I’ve been sharing my thoughts via public journaling (Similar Frequencies) . I’m in the midst of writing a book and just recently thought it would be sweet to write, travel and housesit in peace.

I love animals-dogs, birds (especially) and horses, though I haven’t spent much time with them (horses). Since April I’ve been taking care of 3 of my family’s dogs; two chihuahuas (male and female) and an American Bully (female) in the family home.

Whether you have pets or not, you can be at peace while away knowing that I’m actually at peace within your home, making sure the simple tasks you leave for me (if any) are taken care of.

Though abit reserved more than the usual, I’m a sweet soul and am able to speak and communicate with others quite smoothly.

This is my first Housesitting venture (added for owners who seek experienced sitters) but I’m sure it won’t be the last!

I’d love to experience as many housesits by the ocean, river, and or lakes as possible!

My Best,

Max ⚓️

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