Gero g.

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Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Über Gero g.

52 Jahre alt | Designer

Hi there,
my name is Gero, living in Germany, when not traveling. Since I am a freelancer, I am independent and flexible. I love to get around, see new places, meet new people, leave my comfort zone. Ready to travel!

Since 2007 I am active on couchsurfing, giving other people the opportunity to visit my home town but also using it for my purpose while traveling. So far I have collected over 125 positive references from people who let me stay at their house or who came to stay at my place. Please visit my profile on couchsurfing:

I prefer a modest lifestyle, responsible and non-smoking. I can take care of animals and garden. I know how to handle tools and can do minor maintenance. I will go just about wherever the opportunities are! I don't require much other than the
basics and a good internet connection. I will bring the utmost professionalism, a positive mind and respect for your property and the environment.

In my hometown I am involved in the urban gardening project Inselgrün and do voluntary work in the non-profit Café Natan.

In the past did house sitting jobs in Vienna and Hamburg and recall the great time I had, exploring the cities. I have visited many countries and share my photos on instagram

Educational background:
I have two university degrees. One as a mechanical engineer and one as a designer. Parallel to working as a freelancer I worked many years as a part time lecturer for photography and as a tutor for mathematic.

Covid-Vaccination: yes, fully

If you have any questions at all, please ask.

Yours sincerely, Gero

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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