Brooke & stacy c.

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Austin, Texas, United States

Über Brooke & stacy c.

30 Jahre alt | Teacher

Hiya, we're Brooke (NY, USA- 27) and Stacy (TX, USA- 27) We are currently in Austin, Texas.

We absolutely love housesitting and forming bonds with all the animals we look after, each one leaving a lasting impression on both of us. We would love to have animals ourselves but with the amount we travel, we would be heartbroken to leave them so we can’t wait to add your pet to our collection of adopted interim pets.

We are traveling minimalists who deeply value cleanliness and simplicity therefore you can rest assured that your home will be cared for and maintained at a high standard, making things much easier and comfortable for you on your return. We are both non-smokers and are both fully vaccinated.

If you allow us the opportunity to house and pet sit for you we will look after your home and animals as if they were our own. We both work from home so will be around most of the day to give your animals the love and attention they deserve. We love being active so will enjoy taking your animal/s on daily walks or runs to maintain their regular routine. We both love being in nature and caring for plants so any gardening or plant care would be our pleasure. We will be in touch and send photos and updates of your animals as much or as little as you’d like.

We have house sat before in Texas, New York, California, and the Bahamas and can't wait to add more places to our list! We have also been nannies before on a boat in the Bahamas and in the USVI.

We would prefer housesits 1+ month and would jump at an opportunity to do a long housesit. As we both work from home, a strong internet connection is a must.

Stacy is a fun-loving, kind, and compassionate teacher. She lived in China for 4 years teaching English. She is planning on getting her Masters's in Higher Education Administration in 2022. Stacy loves trying new foods and meeting locals. She enjoys spending her free time outdoors, preferably with animals.

Brooke is a talented and driven, compassionate ceramic artist who values creativity, simplicity, and honesty, she loves the challenges that life brings and has a passion for bringing out the best side of herself and others. Brooke spent 3 years teaching English in Spain and loves the Spanish language and experiencing new cultures. She loves caring for plants and swimming in her free time.

We are respectful, polite and kind and will treat your home and animals with love and care. We understand the importance of a family home and the v

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Stacy, 30 Jahre alt, Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Chinesisch

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