Wolfgang s.

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Neustadt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Über Wolfgang s.

63 Jahre alt | Property management

We are a couple close to 60, sportiv, healthy, financialy independend, have studied both at a university and have retired after a successfull work life. We live close to Lübeck and use the summertime sailing to scandinavia, looking after our house and garden etc. We got three grown-up children, who are currently studying.

We are experienced with property management since we have a house and some other properties, we refurbished by our own. We are very handy, including gardening and have a lot of detailed knowledge to plummery, bricklayer-work, electricity, etc. We would love to look after your property and in case of after your pets. We could also look - if required - after some handyman work. Therefore we should detailed talk in advance to decide on hand tools and material we have to cary with us.

It should be possible to combine it with a stay of at least 2 months in a mediterranean environment. It would be wonderfull to have the chance for cycling and bathing in the area of your property. We are very much interested in establishing a friendly long-ter relationship and could well imagine to look in wintertime on a regular basis after your house.

Of course we provide you detailed personal information and references if we get close to an agreement.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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