Luana b.

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São Mateus, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil

Über Luana b.

41 Jahre alt | School Secretary

My name is Luana, I'm 37 years old and I'm a government employee as a Secretary at a High School in my city. I am single, responsible, trustworthy, practical, ethical and a non-smoker person. I own the beautiful home where I live in Espirito Santo, Brazil. I have lived here for several years so I know how to take good care of a home. For most of my life, I have had pets in my house, from childhood to the present age, I was only without a pet when I lived abroad when I went to college. I currently have one dog, his name is Sansao and he is like a son to me. I had several dogs in my life. I've rescued dogs and cats from the streets and took care of them until they were ready to be adopted. For me, interacting with your pets will be a privilege and a joy, not an obligation. I'm organized, reliable and aware of my tasks and I'm sure you can travel with peace of mind when I'll be taking care of your home and pets. I don't currently own a car, but I do have a clean record on my driver's license in case I need to drive while traveling.
I made a video introducing myself and you can watch it in the link below:

I always travel during my vacations. I enjoy it and I have plans to visit several places in the world which are in my wish list. Visiting other countries and living like a local, with pets around would allow me to have incredible experiences, with a great cultural immersion. That's why I think house/pet sitting is the best way to accomplish that. I try to unite my love for travel and animals, whenever I'm traveling. I love making new friends, whether they are humans or pets. I believe it's these kinds of experiences that make us evolve as human beings. Every day I try to be a better person for other people and I live collaboratively, it helps me a lot in this process of constant evolution.

I have had my own house for several years and I help take care of my elderly parents.
I've a trusted person to take care of them and my dog in my absence and I know how important and difficult is to find a reliable person to take care of your home and pets while you are away.
I have rescued animals from the streets, including dogs and cats, and after they are treated, I made them available for adoption. This way I have helped many recover for sicknesses and hunger and have a better life with a family that can take great care of them. From time to time I contribute to anima

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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