Elaine m.

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Dallas, Texas, United States

Über Elaine m.

62 Jahre alt | lawyer

Clean, conscientious, calm, animal lover with EU and US citizenship. I am fully vaccinated and have an EU digital COVID cert.

I am semi-retired and preparing to travel more and indulge my love of animals while away from my own two rascals (cats).

Originally from Ireland (Dundalk), I have lived in Australia and Belgium, in addition to Ireland and the US. Between travels (30+ countries - not enough!) and my job (immigration lawyer), I am culturally competent and very adaptable. I speak fluent cat, good dog and French, and basic Spanish and Italian ;).

I'm healthy, and don't smoke or drink. I am outgoing, funny (at least, I think so!) and an avid runner, cyclist and hiker (I also do yoga, but very badly!).

I have owned houses for 22 years have a pretty impressive collection of tools - but I won't use any of yours without prior approval! I was an avid gardener until I downsized to a townhouse. I still have small yard/garden, but lower maintenance so I can travel more easily.

Our close extended family is scattered around the world and I am devoted to my nieces and nephews. I volunteer often, currently with various animal rescues/shelter and as an usher at venues in the Dallas Arts District.

Testimonials from work clients are on my firm website: www.martinvisalawyer.com. I have undergone many background checks for immigration, Global Entry (USA), volunteering with children, etc.

LGBTQ+ ally. Vegetarian, but I don't mind dealing with meat for your pets.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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