Lezlie p.

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Independence, Minnesota, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Lezlie p.

58 Jahre alt | Owner of a residential gardening business. Owner of a Womens alpine ski instruction program | Als Paar/Duo

We’re just on the verge of an “empty nest” with the last of our three children leaving for college in August. We love to travel and meet new people and their animals. We live on the western edge of the Twin Cities (Mpls.St. Paul, MN) on 5 acres with 2 horses (Libby & Eregon), a big Great Pyr-cross dog(Maisy), and a cat(Hello Kitty).
I’m the owner of a gardening business (appropriately named, Fleur) focusing on annual plantings and perennial garden design/install & maintenance . I tend to some lovely large residential estates along Lake Minnetonka. I’m a life-long horse gal—United States Pony Club C1 level, rode with the Long Lake Hounds foxhunt, rode on my university equestrian team in college, and still love a relaxing ride on my darling Friesian-Morgan mare. My husband, Ned, owns a residential remodeling business and loves to tinker with projects. During the winter months, we own & direct a womens alpine ski school (Ski-Away, inc). We have been ski instructors for 30+ years! We have busy yet, flexible lives and would love to meet you, your darling pets, and watch over your home and gardens!
P.S. about languages … my father was from Germany & I spoke German while growing up. I took French in college. I ❤️ both languages but am only conversational… I give it a very good effort though 😂

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ned, 63 Jahre alt, Residential Remodeling Contractor, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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