Manuela and Malama

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Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, United States

Über Manuela and Malama

62 Jahre alt | self-employed / retired | Als Paar/Duo

We are a married couple in their 60th and 70th from the Kona side. We are pet lovers and vegetarians, reliable, trustworthy, clean, no parties, no drugs, no alcohol, no drama.

We had own pets for many years. Malama had a dog and I had cats all my life and both of us were house, dog and cat sitting many times not only for our friends, we also experienced and enjoyed through Trusted House Sitters a "special" house and pet sit of a little zoo, incl. a poodle, donkey, goats, parrots, dugs, chickens...
(maybe I can upload a reference of the owners of this little zoo and our "special" experience... or I might be able to copy and paste their text here at the end).

We also have experience in managing a retreat and B&B and Malama is a professional gardener and landscaper.
We are flexible and available immediately and would love to offer our service here on our beautiful island as we are not so up for traveling off island.

Here is a little bio of us:
I, Manuela Chamberlin, am originally from Germany. I have been self-employed in the world of sales and seminars since the age of nineteen. I have three sons and a grandson. My foray into working in a capacity that utilized my sales skills combined with my passion for exploring healing and energy began in Germany as a salesperson for Magnetic Pulsing Systems. In this capacity I was able to introduce the system to doctors, hospitals and many individuals in the private sector.
In 2013 I felt called to come to Hawai’i where I got married and never left since.
Malama is a man of the ocean, the land and many talents.
He is Hawai’i island born, father of two daughters and has two grandsons. Among the most notable in his fascinating life's journey are his ten years spent as a fully ordained Tibetan Buddhist monk and translator (English, Tibetan, German, French and Italian) as well as another three years spent in a closed retreat. He has received advanced training as an NLP Master Practitioner and has also been trained as an Ericsonian Hypnotherapy practitioner. He has held the position of Administrator for a Buddhist Center, and was a founder of the Shaolin Door Martial Arts School in Switzerland in addition to having been the owner of a landscape business. In Hawai’i he was Vice President of a New Thought Center and paddled canoes for over fifteen years and as an island born individual, cultural practitioner he is well versed in the true and all but forgotten history of these special islands.
He is a professional gardener and landscaper as well.

PS. I wasn`t able to upload a reference - so I copied and paste it here below

Always best aloha
Manuela and Malama

Reference: Pamela Small, Kawaihae, Hawai’i

Manuela and her husband, Malama, are great people who have taken care of my farm property. They
conscientiously came out a couple of weeks ahead of time to get the lay of the land and meet the animals. It was nice to have sitters who were so prepared and ready to do a great job.
When we left on vacation, we knew they had everything well in hand. Little did we know that a HURRICANE was going to hit the island while we were gone! We saw it on the news when we were on the mainland that Hurricane Lane was heading to the island and called to let them know what was coming and they took it
in stride.
Manuela and Malama battened down the hatches, prepared the animals, had emergency numbers at the ready, and knew we had emergency supplies on the property as needed. They handled it great. The day after the storm, neighbors showed up to help clean up the mess with them since several of our chicken coops were scattered. Our chickens were all fine since they'd been secured in the main coop. Another bonus is that every single neighbor who met them thought they were great. Two have even asked if they could hire them as their sitters. If that isn't an endorsement, I don't know what is!
Our dog, Samson, loved having them here. He was tired for days after they left. I don't know if he has ever played that much! Manuela and Malama are great sitters who can handle really adverse conditions with no fuss.
I recommend them wholeheartedly.

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Malama Thornton Earl, 77 Jahre alt, retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Deutsch

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