Monica b.

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Chandler, Arizona, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Monica b.

55 Jahre alt | Speaker, Life Coach | Allein

My name is Monica. I am speaker and life coach. I am a mom of 3 young adults.

I love animals and plants. My hobbies are travel, gardening & hiking.

My favorite thing about travelling is experiencing what it is like to live in a new area. I tend to seek out beautiful places in nature and the local scene. I enjoy meeting locals.

I am organized and I like to keep things clean and tidy. I grew up with animals on farmland. I currently live in the city and do not have any animals due to the size of my yard and my travelling lifestyle. I enjoy cats, dogs and chickens most as I am very familiar with what they need, we get along great!

I travel alone and sometimes my husband joins me. For longer stays my children travel may meet up with me for part of the time.

I am happy to provide references. One of them is from a 1 month house sit for a timid dog that I did with my children. Thank you for considering me to care for your home, pet(s) and garden.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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