Melina p.

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New York, United States

Über Melina p.

53 Jahre alt | Media Technology

Hello! I am a life long animal lover and pet mommy who now has an empty nest. My Osiris (black cat) transitioned last year after 17 wonderful years together and my little dog Bella left me two years ago after 14 great years. As my human children are also grown I am enjoying some freedom and traveling a bit myself these days.
I miss my babies so very much and I can't wait to take care of your babies. I have always been known as the 'Lady that can take care of animals' and many years ago whenever a kid would find strays they would tell me because I knew what to do. I have had many many cats in my life and two dogs. My family has always loved pets so over the course of my life I have had birds, fish, snakes, rabbits, lizards, guinea pigs and even rats...yes rats (the are the best small pet!) I love them all and will happily take care of any of your babies - I'm not biased! I also love plants and gardens and will happily care for all your creatures :-)
I am fortunate that my job enables me to travel and work remote. So as much as I love NYC - I am lucky enough to be able to travel.
Besides traveling I enjoy horseback riding, hiking, backpacking, reading, knitting, and photography.

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