Kieran k.

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Bracknell, England, United Kingdom

Über Kieran k.

62 Jahre alt | VP Marketing

I am in my late fifties and retired for 3 years from a senior management role with the IT industry. I have two grown up daughters, 25 and 31, one married and the other heading that way. I am no longer in a relationship and looking for new ideas. I am adventurous and keen to explore new opportunities, hence my interest in this site. I am a very much an outdoorsy and hands on person and in the time since my retirement have engaged in my passion for working with properties having recently undertaken full house and garden renovations as well as smaller projects - happy to share picture if you're interested. I am very comfortable with animals and having had a pet crazy family I have, over the years, shared the company of fish, rats, rabbits, cats, dogs as well a couple of horses. Currently it is down to two dogs. I am a bit of a sports nut having enjoyed participating in many sports throughout my life as well as taking on a number of sports challenges. Today this is limited to road biking, swimming, gym, golf and the occasional visit to the ski slopes as well as long walks and hikes with our dogs. I love to travel and in a former career as a Seismologist I worked throughout the Far East and Middle East and used the time to travel in those regions. Pre the current pandemic I travelled frequently, my last trip was a combination of sport and culture with a month at the rugby world cup in Japan. What else can I tell you - well I like to read, leaning towards non-fiction over fiction. I am not religious but believe in the importance of having strong values and like to think I treat people as I would like to be treated and care for other peoples possessions and property as I would my own.What do I want to do this? I like new experiences, meeting new people, travelling to new places and immersing myself in new cultures. Why would I be a good house sitter? I am trustworthy, conscientious and experienced in caring for pets and maintaining houses and gardens.

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