Thomas s.

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Kenilworth, England, United Kingdom

Über Thomas s.

39 Jahre alt | Live-In Carer

Hi there! My name is Tom, I'm a Uk citizen, male, 46 years old. I'd love to look after your home.

About me....

After university I ran a video production business in the UK as well taught guitar in a music shop. I then decided to change direction, began travelling a lot and also started many employments in housesitting, landscaping and live-in care. It's because to this I believe I'd be a perfect match to look after your property.

I previously acted as housekeeper in a large mansion in Surrey, England. Also too in Ireland, I looked after an estate in county Kerry. There as well as housesitting I also worked the land, planting trees, gardening as well as painting the house and cleaned inside.

Over the last nine months I've also acted as a live-in carer. Again, in this position I'm invited to some very large, luxurious estates. Not only would I care for individuals, I'd also look after the property, clean, cook, do security, change linen, walk dogs, interact with the family, feed fish and cats, and generally manage the property. I was invited back often and given praise by the owners which was very rewarding.

Hopefully you'll consider me to mind your home and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for your time,

Tom Sharman


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