Steven b.

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Clarksville, Tennessee, United States

Über Steven b.

Real Estate Investor/ Landlord/ Real Estate Coach


With several years of relevant real estate management and property rehabilitation and development experience and a lifelong passion for animals, Camila and I have perfected the skills necessary to be the custodians of your most treasured possessions. The trust placed in us is never taken lightly or for granted.

We are a non-smoking, highly responsible couple with clean USA driver’s licenses. Steven is a real estate investor and has purchased over 70 houses, many of which required extensive renovations, and we are currently holding over 40 single family homes as rental properties. Steven also serves as a high school football coach here locally. Camila is an elementary school teacher and got her start as a teacher in the non-profit organization Teach for America program in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas and has been teaching for the past 8 years.

We are very active in our local community and look to give back as often as possible. We served as foster parents for over a year here locally in Tennessee to abused and neglected children and have volunteered with several other local organizations. Since we both served as foster parents and work with children in the local school system, we have (and can provide) current background checks, which we hope is reassuring to house-sitter seekers!

We are both animal lovers! Steven grew up with two cats (Gus and Ed), four dogs, including three boxers (Sebastian, Ginger, and Annie) and a collie (Max), fish, and hamsters, while Camila grew up with cats (Julio and Augusta) a dog (Sheba), and a bird (Charlie). We love taking care of dogs, cats, and other pets for our family and friends while they go on vacation.

As owners of several rental properties, we often engage a vast array of contractors including plumbers, electricians, painters, landscapers, etc. and know the stress that can come with letting someone else manage or oversee your property. We are confident that our experience will meet and exceed any expectations you may have from a property maintenance and management perspective.

We treat every home as though it were our own, and strongly believe in the philosophy of leaving a home in the same condition in which we found it. We are aware that leaving pets in the hands of someone else can be very stressful not only for owners but also for pets, and promise to give them the love, care and attention they need while you're away!

Why We Want To House Sit

When in the USA, h

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Camila, Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner
Reagan, Most Adorable Baby Ever!, Kind

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