Catherine a.

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Hatboro, Pennsylvania, United States

Über Catherine a.

35 Jahre alt | Psychology Student

Hello Wonderful Home Owner!

My name is Cat and I am over-the-moon to be here and helping great people travel with ease, knowing that their home sweet home is being taken care of!

Whether it be simply making sure the house is secure and safe, keeping animals of all kinds company and up to date with feedings and medications, making sure gardens and plants are healthy, to chaperoning and coordinating service companies in and out of the house to accept furniture delivery and winterizing - I really have done it all.

I have more than 3 years of experience house sitting and take extreme pride in caring for the place that houses the things that are nearest and dearest to your heart - your home.

I am currently a full time remote Psychology student attaining my higher education degrees, so will alway be traveling alone, and giving my studying the bulk of my attention (apart from caring for your home!). With having a bachelors degree in dance, my hope is to incorporate professional dance therapy in the treatment of children with disabilities. This position, and others like it, will help in funding my education.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

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