Miranda b.

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Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Über Miranda b.

57 Jahre alt | Agent for writers

I'm a woman living in Amsterdam and working as a writers-agent and a yoga teacher. Those two jobs give me a lot of freedom to work when and where I like to be on this planet.
As I've been an event producer in a former life, I'm good and experienced in arranging Everything! I love to travel and in 2022 I will take a six months sabattical to travel through Europe. I'm good with animals, and am happy to feed, walk or play with them. As well, I love plants, wouldn't say I'm the perfect gardener but I love plants and flowers and know how to take care. I would take care of your place, flora and fauna as if it were my own. I would be committed to keeping your home safe and well maintained. In Amsterdam I'm used to receiving AirBnB guests in my own place so I know how important trust and respect is when letting unknown people staying in your home. Love to leave a place better than I've found it.
Committed, organized, efficient, capable, professional, and trustworthy.

So far I only have one previous house and cat and dog- sitting review but hopefully more to follow.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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