Amber S.

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Jensen Beach, Florida, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Amber S.

41 Jahre alt | Women's Empowerment Coach | Allein

I am a spiritual entrepreneur with a mostly online coaching business. I love to travel and immerse in different cultures and lands. I love animals and serene places with natural surroundings. I live an active lifestyle, teach yoga and energy work, and enjoy exploring the areas I visit and fully immersing in them as the locals do. I have owned multiple estate homes with over 2 acres of land to care for while also caring for multiple dogs and cats. I have regularly supported the operations and maintaining the aesthetics of a retreat property in Costa Rica as a private concierge and steward of the land since 2021. Trusted to run their airbnb's and manage their yoga shala while vacationing.
I enjoy gardening, organizing, and keep a very clean and high vibe atmosphere. I ensure your place will feel warm, welcome and infused with lots of good energy when you return.
I'd be happy to support with small projects on the land while you're away such a gardening, organizing, interior decorating updates, and home blessing energy work to clear and reset the energy in your home.

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