Catherine y.

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Springfield, Virginia, United States

Über Catherine y.

56 Jahre alt | Hotel Interior Designer

I am an American Hotel Interior Designer, who is looking for inspiration and adventure, while I am still young enough to make the most of it. For the entire Summer of 2021, I roamed France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. I couldn’t get enough!
My rescue dogs have lived to ripe old ages, and I am without one for now. Similarly, I owned 2 homes that I maintained by myself and have now sold. My situation gives me lots of flexibility. With me caring for your home and dog(s), you will have selected someone who is responsible, honest, communicative, and reliable. It would be my privilege to care for your home and your dog, and to be a good neighbor to your neighbors.
Some other interesting facts about me; I am a classical cellist who has played in orchestras from Florida to New Jersey, I am a voracious audio book lover. I lived abroad in Singapore for 4 years and know what to expect with this type of relocation, no matter how temporary. My friends from around the globe would tell you that I am a healthy, active adult with a childlike sense of wonder and energy, who would be the perfect candidate for you.

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