Amy r.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Amy r.

31 Jahre alt | Sales Manager

I’m an aspiring writer and cat/dog lover who is keen to travel more. This is my first time trying out house sitting on this site, but I work online and feel it will be a great opportunity to see more of the world.

I’m very lucky to enjoy house sitting for my sister who has apartments within the Canary Islands and Egypt. I even have a small apartment in Egypt so happy to share my little home with any lovely hosts I meet.

I love animals and have a cat myself, although she’s now been given to family to enjoy more outdoor space (she didn’t enjoy the confines of London).

One of my very simple pleasures is a morning coffee.

I have flexible timings to stay as well as a very flexible job (lucky I know) so have the time to look after pets and water plants daily. In fact I would much prefer that to travelling solo as I find pets great company!

I’m also an avid writer so looking for places with lovely walks and scenery and space to get creative.

If you think I’d be a match for your profile please get in touch!

I’m open to location and stay times.

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