Cindy c.

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Los Angeles, California, United States

Über Cindy c.

56 Jahre alt | Technology Manager

I’m a reliable, outgoing single woman who enjoys the outdoors and spending time alone. I read, work on my computer, cook and crochet. I enjoy hiking, biking and gardening.

I welcome the opportunity to look after your home and to keep it safe and secure. I am happy to care for your pets and garden. I am organized and tidy. I am very responsible and can be assured I will watch over your home as if it were my own.

I love the hostel experience and almost exclusively choose them when travelling. I am a hard worker, very social, enjoy meeting new people and finding creative ways to help out.

I have worked in the technology industry for over -years. I work remotely, from home mostly ~ I am able to travel and continue to work. Internet access is a must.

I have raised two children and am now available to help care for others. My high-school, daughter is home schooled and sometimes travels with me. I grew up in the mid-west (Iowa, to be exact), and am very comfortable in rural settings. I have experience gardening, farming, and caring animals (with the exception of snakes).

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