Colby l.

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Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Colby l.

35 Jahre alt | Carpenter

Howdy! I am an ethics-driven single male in my early-to-mid 30s who was born and raised in Nashville TN, USA. I'm now living just outside of Portland, OR. After itching for some world travel for my whole life, it looks like i've finally been able to set up my life for that possibility!

I've held jobs in all sorts of skillsets; in 2020 started a successful carpentry company, I was a farmhand for 4 years prior to the pandemic, and before that, I worked for 10 years in high end restaurant kitchens. I really dig leaning new life skills and honing them with lots of practice.

In early life, I had to grow up fast due to some family issues, and I've been told I'm an old soul. I am mostly a homebody, and am not very big on alcohol or partying (although love a tasty wine with dinner). I much prefer a good conversation by a fire.

I believe in functional minimality, and really try my hardest to use as few resources as possible, as often as possible. I have high tidiness standards I like to hold myself to.
I am really looking forward to experiencing new cultures via the people, the food, and the landscape. I'm so damn excited to discover all the joys and hardships of international travel.
Hope to meet you soon!!

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