Michelle w.

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San Leandro, California, United States

Über Michelle w.

39 Jahre alt | Program Director

I am a single mom who works remotely and am looking to take a break from the mundane. I have many years of experience working in youth programming, nature and environmental justice work, and in the healthcare field. Last year, I applied for a passport for my kid and am excited to introduce him to all the animals and gardens that are in need of our care and to show him different ways of life. We are both great with animals and have had both cats and dogs in our care and open to making new friends in the animal world. We are easygoing, open to diverse foods and cultures, and can find/make entertainment wherever we go. We would absolutely take care of your home as if it were our own and would be grateful for the opportunity! Thank you for your consideration!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Evan, 5 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Chinesisch

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