Carolyn s.

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Geelong, Victoria, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Carolyn s.

72 Jahre alt | Hospitality

Hello! Here is a little about me… I love to travel – I am learning French, German and Swedish and would so enjoy house sitting in an area where I can literally immerse myself in any of these spoken languages. That is my goal!
Animals have been a big part of my life – at the moment I share my life with a beautiful Greyhound (Charlie) and two cows. I’ve had horses, chickens, sheep, cats.. you name it! So looking after animals is something I really love to do too and your animals would be safe with me.
I’m also Australian so its in my nature to enjoy being in the water – swimming is another of my favourite things to do! I’m an avid reader and I love being outside tending to a garden. I’ve ridden my motorcycle over a large chunk of Europe and hope to do it again one day.
I would consider myself a capable and adaptable person - I am always interested in learning new things whether it be historical or relevant to the modern way of life.

Thanks for reading about me! If you think I may be the right person to look after your house, please feel free to get in touch. I hope to hear from you soon.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Myriam S.

Nantes, France - September 2024

Carolyn s'est montrée merveilleuse avant, pendant et après son séjour auprès de Minou. Au delà de ses bons soins apportés à Minou, de la sincérité et de la fiabilité de son engagement, j'ai aussi beaucoup apprécié la personne, nos échanges réguliers. Une belle rencontre. Je la recommande chaleureusement. Merci Carolyn. Minou et moi.

Sandrine v.

Valence, France - Oktober 2023

Bon séjour avec Carolyn qui s'est très bien occupé de Lili et sa copine Gaïa. Elle m'a donné des nouvelles très souvent, ce qui m'a permis de passer des vacances en toute sérénité. Bon retour Carolyn !

Gwenaelle b.

Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France - Oktober 2023

Carolyn was the best friend ever for our dog Lilou ! She also took great care of Plumette et Hamour, our two cats. Carolyn communicated often upon the one month we were away. We also spent great time upon her arrival and her departure and enjoyed really nice personal conversations ! We recommend Carolyn very much!

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