Martina s.

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Hradec Kralove, Hradec Králové Region, Czech Republic

Über Martina s.

39 Jahre alt | IT and online marketing

We are a married couple in our thirties (almost fourties), who live in Czech Republic and both work in IT. David runs his own company and I work with him as an online marketing specialist.

We love travelling, nature, books, music and films. I dance in a folklore group. During the last 2 years of covid we found out, that it is possible to work from anywhere, where a good wifi connestion is. So we decided to join our job and our hobby and we are looking for our first house sitting/homeoffice opportunity abroad.

We are experienced in pet caring (dogs, cats) and gardening. We both grew up in a house with a garden and animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, even a pig :-)). In these days we live in a small appartment in the city and dreaming about moving to the countryside one day. As we work at a computer 8 hours/day, any physical activity around the house is great. We like to walk dogs, mow the lawn etc. It may sound a little bit boring, but that's us. :-D We've already enjoyed a fun busy life and now we prefere spending time in the nature, reading books and planting flowers and vegetables (currently on our balcony).

If you are looking for a reliable pair of house sitters, who will take a thorough care of your home and pets for a couple of weeks while you're enjoing travelling, we are looking forward to meeting you. Martina & David

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Meine Reisebegleiter
David, 42 Jahre alt, IT manager, Ehepartner / Partner

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