Harpa e.

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Borgarnes, Iceland

Über Harpa e.

48 Jahre alt | Designer

I grew up in a small town in Iceland. My dad is a farmer and breeds horses. I am used to most kind of animals, but I prefer the furry ones. I had a husky for 8 years until recently. My children are adults now and my work allows me to be anywhere I want in the world. After being isolated in this island in the Atlandic ocean during the pandemic I am in much need of exploring and expanding my horizon, if that includes taking care of animals in interesting locations, even better.
I am a fashion designer and a visual artist
I have also worked quite a lot in the film industry and as an art director for several different projects. I visit my dads farm regularly to attend to the farm animals and go horse riding. We have a beautiful Nature in Iceland and one of my favourites was hiking with my husky.

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