Anna a.

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Athens, Greece

Über Anna a.

44 Jahre alt | Vet Assistant

I am Anna my origin is in Cyprus but I was born and raised in Athens Greece and lived some years in UK (North East and Wales) and Germany (BRB and Berlin). I studied fine art in UK at very young age then after 30 years old I moved to Germany and I learnt some basic German, I found a small job and did not do anything else other than buying a very old car and driving it.

Now I am back to Athens and I study 'vet assistant' in Penn Foster University online and in a Greek college (same orientation). The focus is on dogs and cats (sadly) and right next a little bit of info on birds but limited. Yet I am interrested into birds as Athens has hundreds of wild parakeets (escaped or released?) and I like to know how to take care of them when I find one down or find juneviles that fell from nest.

I am not great in gardening but I learn fast. I know for example that delicate plants we sprikle (like rain) and not directly throw water. I also know how to measure if the soil is wet (finger test). I learnt that basic stuff in a volunteering I did in Denmark for an organic farm before covid19. Still I dont know how to plant trees from baby plants and trimming I would have to be shown what exactly to do.

I am ok cleaning a pool, taking care of dog's /cats needs for walking, grooming, staying happy and safe.

I love animals so ideally I will house-sit for a pet-sitting situation but im ok if the house just needs a caretaker without animals present.

I speak fluent English cause altho I am Greek I lived in UK and I study in an USA University right now, aside that my German is rather bad but survivable. I am happy to volunteer anywhere in Europe including my own country Greece cause I havent explored my own small but variant country either.

I have B license of car driver, own right now a car and license in Cyprus (EU part) but in Athens I dont own a car (cannot own cars in two countries...). I am ok with both manual and automatic cars, no problem. I can also pay my own insurance if you are worried (my own car insurance on your car). If there are bus lines nearby there is no need for a car.

You can viber/skype interview me if you want without any obligation from your part. Its best to know things before rather than laters. All best, Anna

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