Mckenzie c.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Mckenzie c.

43 Jahre alt | Cofounder of a coaching training company for educators

I am a cofounder of a long standing education training company. And because so much has changed in the past two years I can now work entirely remotely. For the very first time in quite a while, I no longer need to live London!

I chose to become a house sitter because I love homes. I love caring for homes and making them feel like home, even if I stay for only a short time. I have a gift for packing and packing, settling in quickly and understanding how to take care of a home, their furry critters and plants.

Prior to living in London, I had three large dogs and two cats. I’ve done everything from checking poop for worms to hiding vet prescribed pills in pieces of bread, to rushing animals the to emergency hospital. Each animal provides an opportunity to build a very special bond. I miss Zen Zia, a beautiful black rescue dog. Although he was terrified of thunder (so I’d wrap him in blankets) and he was scared to be left home (so I’d always leave the radio on) he was, of course, a family member and will always be.

nI addition, I was previously a professional horse rider, so I know how to take care of horses and I spent a few months caring for a small herd of sheep and alpacas during the lockdown in the UK.

Although I have not had a garden for quite some time, I have been told by friends who have allotments that I have a very green thumb. I treat plants like the living entities they are. And so you’ll generally find me singing or talking to them: “Is this too much sunlight for you? Shall we move you over here?”

Beyond homes, animals and plants I am a single, female boss, who works in education. I meditate, I take walks, I talk to my family and friends often, but I don’t party, go out to clubs or any of that. House sitting for me is an opportunity to care for a home and in exchange receive a place of calm and safety in a city or town that piques my curiosity.

How matter where I housesit, there are few things that will always be true. I will always be tidy and clean. I will always be careful about heating, water and air-con. Coasters will always be used on tables. Doors and windows will always be locked. Ovens will always be checked before leaving. I’ll always treat animals and plants like little family members. And, I always will make your home feel like home.

A few things I am specifically looking for include: a furnished home with lots of light and limited noise. Green space. Reliable wifi for uploading and downl

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