Luciane p.

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Niterói, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Über Luciane p.

58 Jahre alt | plublic employee

We are 2 friends, Luciane and Suzana, who like to travel together. We are from Brazil. Luciane is 56 years old and Suzana is 59 years old. We've been friends for 20 years. We are cheerful, kind, calm, organized, reliable, non-smoking, and we like to take care and stay at home and we are always together.
We are aware of our tasks and we believe that when you hand over your home, you will be able to travel in peace and tranquility, because we are honest and we take care of your home and your animals with love and care.
Luciane lives on a small rural property. His house has dogs, cats and chickens, with lots of plants, fruit trees and also a swimming pool.
I, Suzana, live in an apartment close to Luciane and I'm always at her house or she at mine, and I love taking care of her animals. We work from a home office, so we are available to stay at your home any time of the year.
We prefer this type of hosting that allows us to work and stay at home at the same time.
We drive and have a driver's license (no infractions),
Interacting with your pets will be a privilege and a joy, not an obligation, and caring for homes and pets allows us to live and experience many local environments.
We are in excellent health and enjoy exercising daily.
If you read our references you will see that we really do what we say here.
We have stayed in several houses through the AIRBNB app and we have great references from our hosts, because we always take great care of their homes.
This is our goal when we decided to participate in this hosting model. Having a local experience, having the comfort of a home, meeting people, making good friends and the joy of being able to live with the pets of the houses where we will be staying.

We will be very grateful if you choose us to take care of your home with love.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Suzana Carla, 61 Jahre alt, public employee, Freund
Adriana, 58 Jahre alt, retired, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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