Michael c.

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Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Über Michael c.

36 Jahre alt | Photographer

I'm a freelance photographer and artist with a passion for travel. Originally from Florida, I've been living and working in Asheville, NC the past 10+ years. I've grown up loving and caring for animals and currently have a very sweet cat named Finley. I've been looking to take my work on the road with the openness to possibly relocate. My cat will be living with family during this time and I'm fortunate that my work allows me the flexibility to move around freely.
I have years of experience pet and house sitting, although I am new to the online community of sitting. I'm a clean individual with attention to detail. I very much appreciate a clean and tidy space and will have no problem tending to tasks around the home. I understand the importance of personal space and value the love and admiration people invest in their homes. I intend to respect and care for every home to the utmost degree.
Personally, I would describe myself as optimistic, kind, and personable. I genuinely enjoy talking and connecting with people and also very much value my alone time and a quiet space. I'm passionate for music, being outdoors, and exploring new places.

I would be happy to meet via Zoom or Face Time and I can also send any additional information. Please feel free to ask me anything!

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