Margaret h.

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Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Über Margaret h.

58 Jahre alt | Retired

We're a couple in our 50's, living in Cape Town for 34 years, but originally from the UK. We’re semi retired, after being in the property and tourism business for 30 years. We bought a motorhome and now like to tour around Europe during the summer months and would love to do the odd house/pet sit from time to time during our travels. We have 3 grown up children, who have flown the nest, giving us a chance now to have our adventure! We have had dogs throughout the years, from rescue animals to our last dog, who was a Golden Retriever, who sadly died in 2019. Our cat was with us for 18 years. We miss our animals and would welcome the opportunity to take care of your pets. We love to walk and explore nature which is much more fun with a dog or 2 for company. Having been in the holiday letting industry, we are very conscientious when it comes to taking care of other peoples homes so can assure any owner that we will treat your home with respect and take care of your pets as if they were our own. Simon is also hands on when it comes to swimming pools! Our only requirement is to be able to park our motorhome on the property and she measures almost 8m long and 3m high.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Simon, 59 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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