Isatou g.

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California City, California, United States

Über Isatou g.

25 Jahre alt | Interpreter/Translator

Thank you for taking the time to look at my page! i'm Isatou, I currently work as a freelance artist and an interpreter. I enjoy the work I do because not only does it allow me to serve people, and I can do it anywhere in the world! I am thrilled to housesit for you because I am a huge home body to be honest. I love being indoors, taking care of my space, cleaning, and watering my plants because I find peace and tranquility in this. I also believe that spaces are a sanctuary and should be treated with care and respect to be at peace in return. I am a lover of reading, cooking, art and design- especially interior design, animals and exploring. Growing up in a household where I was the oldest girl to many siblings in a big home, I assumed the role of being the second mother. Therefore responsibility and nurture are apart of me. These are the attitudes I intend to bring into your home. So you can have peace of mind wherever you are as well.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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