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Surprise, Arizona, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über CC

61 Jahre alt | wonderer | Allein

Good day!
For many years I traveled the world for work. Now that I retired, I miss the sight and sounds of a new place. Travel and meeting new cultures is a passion.
Single and always up for an adventure, you will find me exploring by kayak, foot or small planes.
Last spring I walked part of the Camino de Santiago. I plan to go back and finish. I was exposed to so much as I grew and was pushed to do the internal work. Life is a journey and presently I am living in AZ. The desert if beautiful yet I am missing water and seasons. My dear Kitty of 21 yeas crossed over the rainbow, which was so sad to lose by buddy. Yet, I am now able and ready to grab my bag and get on the road!
I love the outdoors, a good pickle ball game, hiking, biking, swimming. Or a nice wine as I watch the sunset or a good french roast as the sun comes up.

When not on the road, you will find me at the theater, be that acting, filming for doing a commercial. My previous life I was with flying. Up front, in the back, or instructing. I come with ratings, and certificates and background checks too!

Always up for learning something new!

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