Ni q.

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Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

Über Ni q.

51 Jahre alt | Financial service professional

I'm from China originally and came to the US for graduate school and lived in AZ, NC and TN for over 20 years. I have two teenage daughters and the oldest is going to UCSB in 2022. I love to travel and have visited 4 continents and 15 countries. My favorite place is Barcelona, Paris, Hawaii, and CA. My job is remote on the phone helping federal employees with their retirement account so I can work anywhere in the US. I have 20 days plus vacation time a year and love to use it internationally. I love dogs and cats and have 3 at home. No allergic to them. I enjoy walking, hiking, yoga, tennis, ping pong, pickleball! I love going to new places and meeting new people. I was a tour guide for China's biggest and oldest travel company for two years after college. I have house sat before and enjoyed the experience! I am neat and respectful of other's place.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Chinesisch

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