Dori m.

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Northampton, Massachusetts, United States

Über Dori m.

51 Jahre alt | non-traditional student/freelance copyeditor

I am a 48-year-old, well-traveled single woman and at the moment I'm also a full-time college student at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts - on full scholarship! I have been told by many people that when they return home it was like I was never there - except that everything was as they left it and there are no surprises except perhaps some flowers and a note on the table. I often travel solo when my 11-year-old daughter is with her dad, but sometimes she may come with me. She is a sweet, well-behaved and well-spoken young lady. We are both "critter" people - we love them all - but especially the ones that want to cuddle with us (I cannot care for animals that eat live food, however. Just can't do it). Prior to moving to Massachusetts we had chickens and goats, large gardens and tons of plants. I can care for yours, too.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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