Kristen g.

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Rapid River, Michigan, United States

Über Kristen g.

54 Jahre alt | Contract Administrator

Hello! I am a resident of the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan - we're nicknamed “Yoopers." I consider myself a “Yooper Ambassador” because I love to travel and share my corner of the world and life experience with new people. The best part? I’ve met folks from all over the world, and I get to bring their life experiences home with me as well to the UP, where I can share my lifelong lesson: that although people worldwide may eat different foods or live in different houses, we’re so much more alike than not.

Thankfully, my husband and three shelter-adopted kitties indulge my wanderlust on occasion, as they are my first loves. To date, I'm grateful to say that I've visited over 40 countries in my life so far, and all but one of the 50 US states.

My second love is nature and the outdoors. I adore exploring the nearby Hiawatha National Forest, taking photos of birds and other animals, in addition to the new hobby I’ve discovered, foraging for wild edibles.

I used to house sit in my 20s for the VP of Operations at Mead Paper, when his wife was in Arizona for the winter, and he needed to travel for business. I took care of his German shorthair named Reba and also had a few routine tasks while I stayed at the house.

I love the idea of house sitting again because I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m seeking more quiet, contemplative time and yet still yearn to see new places. It also seems like the right thing to do in this day and age, to give back as much as I'm receiving, and taking care of fur babies (and ones with maybe scales or shells) sounds like perfect fit. I encourage everyone to seek out the win-win scenarios in life!

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