Zahra M.

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Reston, Virginia, United States


Über Zahra M.

38 Jahre alt | Analyst

I'm a single women that loves travel and road trips, living in different cities instead of just passing by, I would love to dog sit and walk around the neighborhoods and go hiking with the dogs if they are especially high energy.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Alison i.

Orlando, United States - November 2022

Zahra was a great petsitter/housesitter in our downtown Orlando home. She communicated with us frequently about both her activities and concerns with our dog, Ginger. Ginger got to go on some great adventures with Zahra, compared to her boring, everyday life with us! Zahra was also able to take advantage of exploring many aspects of our community, even beyond the theme parks. She was also a really good sport when our air conditioner broke down and lived with the heat for 2 days until repaired. We highly recommend her.

Katie h.

Mt Rainier, United States - August 2022

Zahra took time to have a Zoom call so we could discuss the house and pet responsibilities up front. She came in person to see where everything was located before the start of the house-sit. She was tidy and kept in touch while we were away. Thanks again!

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