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Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Über Bella

56 Jahre alt | self employed

I'm bella. after more than 2 decades of running a marketing agency and working 24/7 I decided to walk on new paths in december 2019, packed my suitcases and a one-way ticket to barbados to take my business online while traveling the world.

what I started to miss pretty soon was living with pets, which I used to do all my life and also getting those hands dirty in my beloved garden.

so I started to offer taking care of neighbours' and friends' furry friends and since I got along with them extremely well, lots of recommendations followed.

I got the opportunity to sit all kinds of pets - mostly dogs and cats, houses, villas, all kinds of gardens including organic faming, even sitted entire guesthouses including pets, plants and guests ;-)

now that I am looking to travel again - to different caribbean islands for now but open to other desinations pretty soon - I decided to take the next step and put my services out there on this platform.

hoping to meet a lot of interesting new people, get to know wonderful new places, share some great moments and foremost: get to spend lots of time with lots of animals!

since I'm working online I am going to spend most of the time with your furries and also love to have dogs' company on long walks in between.

I also love gardening, so taking care of all kinds of plants would be my pleasure as well as keeping your place in perfect condition and - since I'm a creative and design oriented person - also happy with doing some DIY or upcycling or redesigning for you if that's something you're looking for.

I'm a highly reliable and responsible person, mature enough to be beyond partying but still young enough to keep up with all kinds of tasks. I'm interested in so many things and love to learn things from scratch or improve.

also working on some eco-projects and supporting local small business, appreciating all things natural as well as doing my best in living the sustainable way.

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