Abi & scott

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Alsip, Illinois, United States


Über Abi & scott

35 Jahre alt | Teacher

We're a fun-loving couple in our late 20's and early 30's. I am a teacher and my partner is a sustainability consultant. We love all types of animals and have experience with rescued dogs and cats and farm animals from our family homes. We just finished our Master’s degrees in Environmental Development in Costa Rica where we specialized in natural resource management and sustainable food systems. Now we are looking to continue the adventure by visiting some wonderful places and spending time with some furry friends whilst we work online.
We enjoy hiking, exploring new places, yoga, gardening, home cooking and visiting anywhere we can appreciate the environment and make new animal friends, wild or domestic. I consider myself a cat whisper and my partner goes weak for all four legged creatures. Alongside our enthusiasm for activities, we also love to relax, do crafts, watch movies and spend time together at home. For looking after a home, I am a keen handyman who enjoys problem-solving and finds cleaning very therapeutic. My partner is a wonderful cook and seriously organized. Together we run a tight ship! We would be delighted to have an opportunity to make new animal friends whilst looking after your wonderful homes and we look forward to meeting you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Abi , 30 Jahre alt, Sustainability Consultant , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Kiera m.

SF, United States - September 2022

Great house guests. I wouldn't hesitate to have them back anytime.

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